Seal Group

Cornwall Seal Group’s (CSG) pioneering long term photo identification research began in 2000. Our network of volunteers continues to snowball as more and more people who enjoy the coast tell us about the seals they have seen. Each sighting is entered into our custom built database, which together with tens of thousands of other records helps to build up the big picture of how seals are using our coastal habitat.

In return we aim to feedback information about each sighting and seals in general. This helps to deepen people’s interest, so their first sighting usually leads on to more! Beware – seals are very engaging and frequently people become addicted!

As our knowledge has grown, it had become apparent that it is not enough to simply focus our research on seals, but a more holistic understanding of our marine environment is needed to inform our conservation work. So CSG don’t just survey seals. We partner with a range of local marine related organisations to carry out land and boat based marine and coastal surveys collecting a range of data about seals, other marine life and the environment they share with us.


The ability to inspire people is fundamentally important to any citizen science, evidence based conservation organisation that is passionate about protecting our precious marine ecosystem. We fully appreciate that healthy seascapes underpin our health and wellbeing, as well as forming a solid foundation for a vibrant and resilient Cornish economy.

CSG hold open and free monthly meetings where news of recent sightings, highlights and activities are shared. Email [email protected] for more details.

We can facilitate the delivery of a range of talks for public events and special interest groups including an introduction to grey seals – ‘Seal secrets’; ‘Cornwall’s astonishing grey seal pups’ and a virtual boat survey – ‘All at sea – seals, cetaceans and sea birds’.

We campaign to make our marine environment more resilient to change; give seals a voice and help us all to understand the impacts our daily decisions and actions have on our truly amazing marine life.