WiSe course
On the 7th of March, Sue along with Dan Jarvis from British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) joined Colin Speedie (Wildlife Safe – WiSe – founder) to deliver a WiSe training course in Padstow.
Sue has been updating the WiSe seal code of conduct recently and was honoured to be invited to give a southwest version of the seal lecture.
Participants had lots of questions and engaged in really useful dialogue throughout the day. A key take home message was the importance of ‘talking it through’ – articulating good practice with each other and with clients, to share knowledge and understanding of how best to act around and help our precious marine life.
The day was a great success with local participants training alongside others travelling from further afield – Southampton and Torbay.
Marion and Sue had taken along a couple of our brand new exhibition banner frames and all attendees appeared impressed – even taking photos of them to refer back to.
For more information about the WiSe Scheme please visit http://www.wisescheme.org/